Wednesday, July 13, 2005


I've been sitting in the garden with Paul, watching the stars come out. Some years we have almost no evenings where we can sit outside at 11.00 pm and not feel chilly. Tonight we watched the first stars appear, the bats fly about removing mosquitoes and craneflies. We gently sipped white wine, talked and generally enjoyed being together.

We're fortunate this summer so far, with a couple of warm weeks in June (regrettably some spent at the TSI conference in Brighton) and some more lovely weather now.

It's something we should really be enjoying. Who knows what's in store?

In My Day

Obviously, I recall lovely weather as a child. I'm not one of those who think that every childhood day was warm and lovely. Too much of a realist, I'm afraid. But I do remember the heatwave of 1959. I recall days when it was hot enough to play under the hosepipe. Days when my skin crackled and peeled with the sun. I remember the walk to Haydon's Ball in baking sun. We were all carrying overcoats just in case, so it was a real trek. I recall the canvas "shelter" which we would erect in the garden to shade us and our tea from the sun and wasps. I recall the teas with sandwiches and cake eaten in the garden.

What I don't recall are any after dark summer experiences. I don't think that Mamma and Daddy sat outside as we do, gazing at the sky or enjoying the warm midnight air. Being in London meant the stars were all but invisible which might have been the reason.

Anyway, I saw 3 stars before deciding to come in.

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