Of course baby clothes aren't the only subject of conversation; there is also the question of baby names. Becky and Richard have two lists (strictly confidential) set up on their I-pads. They range from the hilarious to the dull and I'm sure they'll come up with the perfect name. Of course, with modern scans, they'll be able to ditch one list entirely in a week or two.
In My Day
Naming the baby is always a matter for debate, unless you are just repeating mother or father's names. When we were expecting Lizzie, the sex of the baby wouldn't be known until the birth so we had to keep both lists open.
I had long thought that Elizabeth is the loveliest girl's name, so there was no discussion there. For some time we used to fantasise about having five girls, Bennett-fashion, and I had names for them all, How strange it is that I can now only remember three: eldest Elizabeth, next Rebecca, youngest Selena.
Boy's names seemed altogether more full of pitfalls. We had thought of Geoffrey after a family friend of Paul's "Uncle Geoffrey", but any other names produced the following type of response: "Timothy! Oh no; we had one at school and he was such a bully, Sebastian - that's so effeminate, Richard, heavens no, it'll be abbreviated to Dick." There didn't seem to be name in the entire male lexicon that didn't carry some unfortunate association. I also had difficulty envisaging myself with a boy so was little help in these one-sided discussions.
Then there was the whole question of second names, Here Paul showed himself adept at choosing elegant combinations: Elizabeth Alice and, later, Rebecca Louise.
It's easy to feel bullied by other people's opinions and Rebecca and Richard are probably right to keep their ideas to themselves for the time being. They don't seem to have a predilection for the absurd, and I feel sure that they'll steer clear from offending anybody.
I know that I will love Baby Donnelly, whatever the name (though I might have difficulty getting used to "Bugless" or "Isembard").
1 comment:
I am certain that a suitable name will be chosen.
My friends Bruce and Deb didn't name their first (Ben) until almost a month after he was born. I think that's really sweet actually. One morning Deb just said "He looks like a Ben" and that was that :D
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