Of course, Becky & Richard are "in love", but it also seems clear that they love each other which may not be the same thing.
In My Day
During my teens, I found the whole idea of being "in love" rather strange. I didn't really like boys and thought that they didn't really like me.
I had a few boyfriends but, while I enjoyed their company and wasn't immune to sexual feelings, I couldn't empathise with the boys' evident besottedness. In fact, there was something a little bit frightening about their intensity.
I suppose that my relationship with Paul started out in much the same way. We had fun together and much in common, but I wasn't in love.
When did I realise that I loved him and was also "in love"? Was it the time I ran down the hill with wet hair in freezing weather to meet him? That may have been the start. I remember a defining moment. It must have been a Sunday morning and I was with Paul at his parents' flat in Eastbourne. We were curled up together when Paul suddenly looked at me. "Your face is full of love" he said, slightly wonderingly. I burst into tears, overcome by the truth of his statement. And that feeling hasn't changed.
Not having been "in love" more than once, I can't hope to understand those whose feelings of love are constantly in a state of change.
What I do know is that love is a gift and I never lose my sense of privilege when I am on the receiving end.
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