Saturday, October 16, 2010

Eye Contact

I just can't resist programmes like the X factor., BGT etc. Last week I was very interested in the comments about Matt Cardle. He appeared to be having a love affair with his mike, when he wasn't screwing up his eyes.The judges had an issue with the fact that he seemed to be singing  to himself. "Eye contact!" was the consistent comment.

In My Day

I'm no X Factor contestant but I do understand the importance of eye contact.

I think it must have been in about 1995 or 1996. I attended a Baroque singing study weekend at Jackdaws near Frome. The course was run by Evelyn Tubb, a seasoned early music exponent and colleague of Emma Kirkby. We gathered together on the first night and all sang the song we wished to develop. Mine was Purcell's "If Music be the Food of Love". I'd sung it at Beatrice's wedding but had always felt uncomfortable about the interpretation.

Included in the course fee was a master class with Evelyn. Such a privilege! I went into the room. There were quite a few observers. Evelyn was nothing if not to the point. "Julia," she said "when you speak, your voice commands our attention. You have a very sweet voice but you must learn to connect in the same way when you sing."

She asked the observers to gather in a circle around me. "Now!" she said to me "Sing the Purcell to "la" and as you do so, walk around the circle, taking hold of each person's hands in turn and gazing into their eyes."

This I did, finding it a most extraordinary experience. Evelyn forced me to connect with my audience in the most direct way. After the session, which lasted about half an hour, I felt really drained; sending your emotions out in such an unambiguous way was tiring.

But I do really know how important this is and my singing has been the better ever since for having the ability to connect with my audience. Way to go, Matt!

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