Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Sore Throat


Woke up with a sore throat this morning. For this I squarely blame my husband, Paul, who's had a shocker all week. I don't really do colds, believing that prevention's better than cure. So I'll probably attempt to soldier on, ignoring it.

I don't take Vit C pills or echinacea or any of that rubbish. In fact, a recent bit of research suggests that the best Vit C can do is lessen the symptoms. I prefer to pretend it isn't happening and help the healing process with red wine. It's all those antioxidants, you see.

In My Day

My father, who did do colds, decided to implement the prevention's better than cure policy by purchasing an enormous jar of cod liver oil & malt. My mother offered me a spoonful (why me? I didn't get any more colds then than I do now). I thought it was honey and opened wide. Splat! That was the sound of me spitting it out into the washing up water (the task I was engaged in). I was roundly ear-clipped and made to have a spoonful daily - not as a punishment but because Daddy really believed in it. I spent unmeasured hours of my childhood with a mouthful of vile tasting stuff thatI couldn't bring myself to swallow and didn't think to quickly spit it into the pot plants or something. Yuk.

I think that Daddy and my sister, who shared his tendency to colds, really liked it and went on getting as many colds as before.

My throat hurts.

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