Last week, while we were in Spain, the clocks went back. This meant a merciful moment when the morning weren't so dark, but that won't really last.
In My Day
I never forget when the clocks go back as, one year, the event occurred while I was in hospital after the birth of Lizzie. Last weekend in October is seared into my brain.
I'm not sure that I see the point of it in the modern world. "Daylight saving" was introduced during WW1 to help the farmers, it seems. Maybe, with dawn at 3.00 in June, it was better to make that 4.00 and have more daylight at the end of the day.
Paul's Mum used to worry about this a great deal, calling us to remind us, as though our brains were numb without her help. I remember one year when she got it all wrong and advanced her clocks when she should have retarded them. I don't now remember how many days it was before she realised her error, but the lovely light mornings must have been a joy!
I have never seen the need for all this shifting about; and there are some countries questioning it. Morocco is among them and, quite frankly, for countries near to the equator the effect must be minimal.
So I'm getting used to dark evenings, once again. What I can't seem to do is find any benefit from that "extra hour".
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