One of the reasons we bought Spencer House is to be able to bring the Bentley in out of the rain. We can also put the E-Class away.
So we are working very hard, shifting the boxes out of the garage into their right places. When you talk to people or look around you realise that very few folk actually put their cars into their garages; preferring to use them as dumping grounds for everything they haven't the room for indoors or in lieu of a shed.
In My Day

The shed was also a pitched roof structure, built laterally against the rear of the garage at the top of the slope. This meant that the slope of the roof ended on one side against the wall of the garage.
At some point in our lives we thought that it would be a good idea to play on this roof. You scrambled up onto the shed roof and once up there you could slide down the slope, clamber over the garage, take up a picnic - anything. Mamma and Daddy didn't seem at all worried for our safety and I actually don't think there were any accidents.

a) of the dangers b) of getting my dress dirty.
Anyway, I am looking forward to being the proud owner of a garage that actually houses cars.
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