Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday Night Fever


Quiet evening tonight after the frolics of yesterday. We settled down to Scrabble. Paul put on the accompanying music - Saturday Night Fever. He cheerfully jigged around as we played and added his own percussion until I glared at him to stop.

"Great music!" he said, wistfully, " I could really dance to this!"

In My Day

Back in the 70's we loved to dance. If we could get to or organise a disco or have a party we did. What better to dance to than SNF?

In 1978 when my sister Beatrice was living with us she decided to organise a 24 hour dance-a-thon to raise funds for the Epilepsy society. She booked a room over a local pub, organised a rolling buffet and music and advertised. I agreed to take part as did several of our friends. You were allowed 5 minutes in every hour to breathe, eat or visit the loo and my sister-in-law Jenny who didn't dance agreed to be the dance monitor, checking our times most strictly. For this event I dressed as for sport in trainers and track suit.

It was very hard going; you had to dance, not merely sway on the spot. On the other hand, going full out was simply impossible. At least that was my view.

Not that of a visiting competitor. He suffered from epilepsy but this didn't stop him coming in full white-suited SNF regalia and dancing to put John Travolta to shame. He whirled and twirled and really earned his sponsorship money. I hope he had a lot of backers.

I don't know how the event finished; Paul was suffering from some sort of 'flu which made him unwilling to suffer my continued absence. So. in the interests of marital harmony I went home after only 12 hours.

I like to think I'd have been up for the full monty, 'tho'!

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