Hurrah! Today's my birthday! And not just any old birthday. It's my 60th. In fact, I'll have to see about changing my blogger profile.
It does feel as though I'm moving into a different age slot this time; very strange. As though I'm about to morph into a person who likes to shop at Edinburgh Woollen Mill, has short fluffy grey hair, breasts permanently at half mast and who's idea of partying is a small sherry (preferably Harvey's Bristol Cream). I expect to start calling people "dear" and to become suddenly unable to cope with my computer.
Actually, I'm really looking forward to my party tonight and very much like the fact that my birthday is always party time.
In My Day
I was due to be born on Boxing Day but very wisely hung on until NYE. My parents never made me have combined Christmas and Birthday presents so I never felt short-changed by the birthday's proximity to Christmas.
Mamma always made me a special birthday cake (chocolate, not to confuse it with the fruity Christmas cake) with candles. I remember one year Daddy did the chocolate icing and very proudly pointed out to me the unevennesses (perhaps that's where I get my cake icing skills from) in the surface as thou
gh they were geographical features.

I often had a party - sometimes fancy dress - and - best of all, I was always allowed up to see in the New Year.
We always sang "Auld Lang Syne" - often just me, my parents and my brothers. Beatrice was too young so I felt especially privileged.
One year I awoke on New Year's Day without any recollection of having seen in the New Year. (And even now, with copious Champagne intake - I can't say that it's happened since).
I asked Mamma about it. "Well," She said, "You were so fast asleep - I couldn't wake you up." I felt very hurt and didn't understand . In fact, I didn't really forgive her until I had my own children and found out how hard it can be sometimes to wake them .
Anyway, I really love my birthdate, with its sense of new beginnings. And I'm looking forward to being able to apply for my bus pass. Sherry, anyone?